Daylight Savings Time. I've always hated it, but being a parent has just made it even worse torture. Timothy was on a rock-solid schedule, so I wanted to try gradually working towards what we wanted bedtime to be after DST ended. Unfortunately, my parent brain was in poor condition and I started trying to work his bedtime incrementally earlier, when what I should have been doing was moving it later so that when we fell back his sleepiness would correspond with his original bedtime. Since I was doing it all wrong for almost the whole month in advance, we barely had time to undo my damage before DST hit. Timothy spent almost 2 weeks adjusting, he wanted to go to bed at 6pm (because it was really 7pm) and he woke up at 6am, even if we tried to keep him up until 7pm. He was grumpy, naps were all wonky. It was awful. Thankfully, we have survived and now he goes to sleep at 7 and usually doesn't wake up until 8am!
He's started giving kisses occasionally, which is simultaneously cute and a little gross, because they are very slobbery. Also, he sometimes acts like he's going to kiss me and then bites my cheek instead, so that's a bit scary.
We have an apple slice magnet that he's been enjoying, and he's actually figured out how to stick it to the refrigerator or the dishwasher, and understands that he has to put it up with the correct side facing or it won't stick. He doesn't seem to know which side is which without trial and error, though.
Peek-a-boo! |
He likes pushing things around too, anything that can easily slide, like the large green plastic bowl that I let him play with in his personal kitchen cabinet, or board books across the carpet of his bedroom. It's really cute!
Finally, all the clapping of our hands has paid off and he's learned how to clap his own hands, and will often do it when we request! He's even starting to get the idea of when he's supposed to clap when we sing "If You're Happy and You Know It" to him.
He is very pleased with himself, just smeared his food in his hair! |
He still likes throwing his food on the floor, but I do think he's finally starting to understand that he isn't supposed to throw it. He seems to be doing it a little less frequently, will sometimes respond to our "No's" by bringing the food back onto his tray instead of dropping it, and occasionally makes it to the end of the meal without dropping anything until he's full, and then the throwing is just a sign that he's done. I wish he would learn to sign "all done" instead! He does regularly sign "milk" now and asks for it often during diaper changes that would be right before a feeding anyway.
Still waiting on tooth #8's appearance. There is still tons of slobber, but no evidence that it's coming any time soon. I find that a bit odd, since I thought teeth were supposed to come in pairs. But then again, Timothy's tooth emergence pattern hasn't been particularly standard, so I guess I shouldn't be concerned.
The "EC" stuff hasn't been going so well lately, and I've had many days where I wished I hadn't even heard of it. It's just so annoying when you know what it's like not having to clean out poopy diapers and wipe a poop-covered bum while the poop monster tries to roll over and crawl off the changing table... but instead of pooping on the potty, he refuses, and poops in the diaper 10 minutes later. If I had just accepted that scraping poop out of cloth diapers was going to be my life for the next couple of years, it would be less irritating than sometimes having the experience of not having to deal with it, and sometimes having to clean 3 or 4 a day! I haven't been able to figure out what makes the difference when he is sometimes completely happy to use the potty, and sometimes hates it.
For Thanksgiving, we first traveled up to VA the day before Thanksgiving, and walked around Williamsburg a bit before spending the night in an AirBnB that unfortunately had terribly uncomfortable memory foam mattress beds. Timothy slept fine, though!
Then we headed over to join my family for Thanksgiving Day on the Eastern Shore of VA. It was COLD but we were toasty warm inside with a fire and Timothy ate tons of turkey. We had a long drive home and got home very late, but Timothy mostly slept the whole way.
On Sunday we hosted the Bass side Thanksgiving gathering, and it was lots of fun!
Now we're ready for Christmas! Just got our Christmas tree tonight. Our little day-after-Christmas baby is going to have his first official Christmas in 29 days! And he'll be a whole year old in 30 days. Oh dear. He's growing up so fast!
I can't believe I'm actually posting this on Timothy's actual 11th month birthday!
I believe y'all are doing a wonderful job at being parents! It suits you!