Whew, so glad that leap is over! It took a little longer than I was hoping, the fussiness seemed to continue for a couple more weeks longer than I anticipated, and I'm not sure if it was due to the leap, or just the timing of the 4-month sleep regression (or both together) but he did have some trouble getting to sleep for several nights, and two nights where he woke me up three times, which felt like torture after all the nights he only woke once! Waking only once did become his standard this month, so I can't complain too much about the 4-month old sleep regression. And after about a week of rocky naps, he settled back to being a good napper too.
He's been much more giggly, we're finally getting good laughs out of him more easily! He laughed at Daddy singing him a song, and often thinks it's funny when either of us "eats" him with scarfing sound effects. His favorite sounds to make are very emphatic, loud squeals and grunts. And he's more easily bored with toys, and more easily frustrated when he can't do exactly what he wants (crawling is hard, y'all!) when he tries.
He's also gotten a little more clingy this month, there have been several times when grandparents/aunts/uncles wanted to hold him, but if I gave him to them too soon, he'd start wailing. I need to make sure he gets a few good minutes to warm up to them before getting handed off.
Here's how he uses his play gym to help him roll from back to tummy! |
He's finally gotten back into rolling from his tummy to his back some more after taking a break for a couple months, and he's also working on rolling from back to tummy. He's great at getting onto his side, and has even rolled all the way to his tummy by pushing off with his feet on the leg of his play gym, but that doesn't completely count. He can sometimes get his knees up under him for his scooting, but he hasn't been pushing up on his arms to a crawling position yet.
We've started letting him sit in his booster/high chair at the table with us while we're eating, and he watches us eat and enthusiastically eats the toys we give him.... and equally enthusiastically flings them on the floor. Which seems quite intentional sometimes, although supposedly babies don't intentionally throw/drop things until much older. At the end of this month he can start eating solids, so that will be interesting!
This is how he naps in the car... the hat helps block the light, and interesting, distracting things going by outside! |
For Memorial Day weekend, we did 2 day trips! Timothy's first time to the mountains and the beach! We separated them by one day at home so we'd have some time to recover. Overall they went really well, and the supercharging stops were mostly timed nicely to coincide with when Timothy was supposed to be nursing anyway, so it worked out really well... except for the one time he wasn't interested in feeding, even though he was supposed to be hungry!

The second day trip to the beach was to spend the day with my family, and some friends, who had rented a cottage on the beach for the weekend. We had a relaxing day eating lunch at the cottage, playing Sushi Go, and spending a short time out on the beach so Timothy could experience sand and the ocean! He did great sitting in his seat while Matt and I ate at our favorite Wilmington restaurant, Indochine. And then he slept all the way home again.
We're enjoying doing day trips with him, it's easier for him to sleep the first few hours after bedtime in the car on the way home, and then we all get to sleep in our own beds at home, which is much better sleep for Matt and me, and seems to be better sleep for Timothy too.
Timothy is just getting to be more and more fun as he becomes more giggly, more independent and opinionated, and shows us more of his own little personality! He's a sweet, cheerful baby, and I can't believe he's only been part of our lives for 5 months... but at the same time, I feel like he's growing up too fast.